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    Вторник, 03 Декември 2024 година


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World Teachers’ Day 2013 Greetings from CHRISTINE BLOWER General Secretary National Union of Teachers United Kingdom

Dear Colleagues
    World Teachers’ Day 2013
    On behalf of the National Union of Teachers, I offer you greetings on World Teachers’ Day, 5 October.
    When the NUT was founded in 1870, our first President, M J J Graves, said in his inaugural speech,
    “By the elevation of the teacher, we elevate the value of education and accelerate the progress of civilisation.”
    We in the NUT believe that this founding principle is as relevant in 2013 as it was in 1870 and that it is relevant worldwide.
    The NUT is proud to be part of Education International’s Unite for Education initiative, with its goal of quality teaching with fair pay and conditions.
    Let us stand together in solidarity on World Teachers Day.
    Yours sincerely
    General Secretary

[Обратно към Новините]

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