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    Събота, 27 Юли 2024 година


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World Teachers’ Day 2013 Greetings from Georgiy Trukhanov, President of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine

    Dear Colleagues,
    On 5 October communities all over the world celebrate World Teacher’s Day, honouring teachers, probably the most important profession as they give life guidelines to every person. It is very symbolically that Education International chose this date to launch its Unite for Quality Education Campaign.
    Today is hard times for education workers and their trade unions. Every day we face constant attacks on our members’ rights. But we also witness trade unions’ struggle and wins in different corners of the world. The World Teacher’s Day is a good opportunity for trade unions, teachers and communities to stay together and show their solidarity Uniting for Quality Education. We are convinced that high quality education could be achieved only with competent honoured teachers enjoying decent wages and better working conditions.
    On this day on behalf of the Trade Unions of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine that represents more than two million members I would like to wish you every success in your everyday efforts to provide better quality education for a better world.
    Yours sincerely,
    President Georgiy Trukhanov

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